Missing Female Yellow Lab: Now 2 years old.
Sunday, 11/28/10 from Lawton, Michigan - Southwest - VanBuren County.
Call 269-216-4183
Lost/Found Pet Details
Date Lost: 11/28/10
Location: Lawton - Main St & Bitely St. headed West
Collar/Color: Yes/Pink/Nylon
Microchip Brand: 24Hour Pet Watch
Microchip Number: 982009106980268
Animal's Name: Sophie
Species: Dog
Breed(s) or Mixes: Labrador Retriever
Gender: Female
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Coat Type: Medium
Color Pattern: Solid
Color: Reddish Blonde
Eye Color: Gold
Ear Style: Floppy (Natural)
Size: Medium Dog (approx 55 lbs) Very solid built Lab
Age: 2 years old
Identifying Marks: Sophie was spayed @ Kalamazoo Humane Society and had a "tattoo" incision mark where she was spayed.
Temperament: Sophie is a very friendly and lovable dog, however if she has been wandering for the past five weeks, I fear she may be very timid and shy away from anyone trying to help her. She LOVES food seemingly more than even the average dog.
Call 269-216-4183
A Facebook Group has also been created for her: