This is "Boo" - she is an all black female (spayed & front de-clawed) cat with green eyes. She is aprox. 2 years old.
She has been missing since 05-04-11.
She has a pink collar with her name, address and phone number on it.
She lives in the Sawyer area near Warren Dunes State Park...
She has left behind 3 very devastated little girls who are praying for her return.
Please reply on via the post in the Facebook Group or inbox me you've seen a cat who fits this description in the area. A million thanks to all...
Please Message Susan Petersen Oldenburg if you have any information on Boo.
NOTE: To message her go to link above upper right corner of window click on "Message". A New Window will open, fill out the form and then click "SEND or REPLY"